Editorial - Thirty Flirty and Thriving
By the time you are reading this, it will have been a year since we first got the news that we got this job.
It feels like a lifetime ago and simultaneously, like yesterday.
We knew this year would fly by. But damn, was it quick.
The highs; the lows; the unprompted giggle fits; the sleepless nights. The pride of seeing our work with our own eyes; touching it with our own hands.
It surely was an incredibly eventful year that we will cherish forever.
It feels like a lifetime ago and simultaneously, like yesterday.
We knew this year would fly by. But damn, was it quick.
The highs; the lows; the unprompted giggle fits; the sleepless nights. The pride of seeing our work with our own eyes; touching it with our own hands.
It surely was an incredibly eventful year that we will cherish forever.